@pissmail.com @incel.email @shitposting.expert @hatesje.ws @*****.pizza @genocide.fun @dmc.chat
Please use the following addresses only for their intended purpose. Off-topic mails will be ignored.

Misc Inquiries
Law Enforcement
How do i delete my account?
The only way to get your account deleted at the moment is by mailing a deletion request to soup(at)pissmail.com.
My inbox is full. Can i request a larger inbox?
No. The mailboxes are capped at 1GB which is already quite large considering the server specs. If you are running into space issues i advise creating local backups and then clearing the inbox.
I forgot my password! What do i do?
Nothing. there is no way to get me to reset your password unless i know you personally.
I know my password, but it sucks. How do i change it?
Are my emails encrypted?
Not by default! The email protocol stack does not feature any mail transmission security, meaning unless you encrypt the contents yourself with techniques such as PGP, your mail is sent in cleartext. Additionally, note that if you do encrypt your emails, the receiving party needs to be equipped to decrypt them.
Do you have a tor hidden service mirror?
Yes, open this link in your tor browser to access it. Currently the tor mirror only supports webmail. (direct IMAP/POP3 over tor coming soon!!)
Can i add my own (very cool) domain to pissmail?
Not unless you fully donate it to me. I need full control of the DNS records to make sure nobody *****s with the availability of the service for users that use that domain.
I have money! I want to give you money! How can i give you money?
I like money but as it stands this service can easily survive without donations (paid with my own income). If you still want to help out a little, please check out the donation page!
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